Saturday, February 7, 2009

Less Bars In Less Places

Seems that AT&T should change their slogan to reflect the crappy service they provide. Connections seem to get worse with each passing day. Why do I stay you ask. In the words of the old blues song: It's cheaper to keep her!

That's right, all those switching fees, plan changes, bundles that I have to renegotiate, and other stuff make it difficult for me to consider switching. Plus, they have one thing that keeps me there - the iPhone! Well, there are whispers and rumblings of other carriers picking it up in the future. However, I'm not holding my breath. Not to mention that the iPhone knock-offs are thoroughly underwhelming. At any rate, I have promised myself that if Verizon offers the iPhone, I will seriously consider switching services.

Until then, I might just buy a tower and strap it to the roof of my car so I don't drop any more calls!


  1. Crap! Now the signal in my home is fading! Curse you AT&T!

  2. AT&T has been good to me, not to mention the convenience of the IPhone as well. I have no complaints. It may be the region in which you reside. I do know, however that Verizon is known to have a much better signal from past experiences but as long as I have had AT&T (2 years) I haven't had one, that's right, one dropped call.
